TV Streaming, Remote Parenting & The Loss of Childhood
I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to all interviewees and survey respondents who dedicated ample amounts of time and insight to provide depth and perspective to this documentary. Without you, this documentary would not be possible. Thank you for not only providing insight into our digital landscape, but for all the work you do to ensure that awareness is brought to the repercussions of screen use, benefits of educational media, and the evolution of children's media. Thank you for caring about the next generation of youth and wanting to protect them.
The scope, magnitude, and sheer depth of this web-documentary would not be possible without the mentorship and guidance of Dr. Jon Hyde and Dr. Kimberly Sultze. They studied under Neil Postman while completing their doctorate degrees at New York University, and graciously guided me through Postman's most influential works, concepts, and predictions for the future landscape of media in the digital age.
Neil Postman was an American cultural critic and educator known for his insightful commentary on the impact of media and technology on society. He authored several influential books, including Amusing Ourselves to Death, where he examined how television and media were shaping public discourse and intellectual thought. Postman was a strong advocate for media literacy and critical thinking, emphasizing the importance of understanding the hidden biases and consequences of media in our lives. His work continues to be relevant in discussions about the role of technology in shaping modern culture.
I had the honor and privilege of learning the intricacies of Postman's theories and insights through Dr. Hyde and Dr. Sultze, who continue to keep his legacy alive by instilling the fundamental values of media literacy within their students. Dr. Jon Hyde privileged me with several one-on-one critique sessions that forced me to challenge preconceived notions about our current media landscape, and challenged me to defend my arguments through intense critical thinking, research, and ethnographical analysis.
Thank you for pushing my intellectual bounds and showing the creative latitude that the world of research can bring.